3D Game Development: Unity

Students develop 3D games using the C# programming language and the Unity game engine. Topics include 3D world building, audio, lighting, user interface, scene management, animation, and the use of object-oriented programming to create gameplay interactions. With a focus on mastery-based learning, students will work at their own pace to master required and supplemental skills and will be given opportunities for choice in their learning topics based on the needs of their chosen project.

Projects will demonstrate proficiency or advanced proficiency in one or more of Burke’s five computer science domains:

  • Ethics of Computing
  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Data and Analysis
  • Networks and the Internet
  • Computing Systems

This course is open to all 10th, 11th and 12th graders and also to 9th graders who have completed Intro to Computer Science, is pass/fail, earns .333 credit, and can count as a student’s sixth course.