You Are: Heard

Your voice, your opinions, your differences elevate the classroom experience for everyone. And your ability to make a difference extends far beyond the classroom.

young student
Teacher assisting student
There’s no one like you. No one shares the same thoughts or expresses the same ideas. No one talks or walks or acts like you.


Which means it’s up to you to make an impact like only you can.

Affinity groups on campus

Students on yearly weeklong service trips

Articles published in the student-run newspaper every year

teacher with students

Justice For All

Burke was founded in the midst of the civil rights movement under the belief that an equitable and discussion-oriented environment would yield a more comprehensive and contemporary educational experience. That was our mission then. And it’s never been more important than it is now.

Meet new people. Listen to their stories. And let them hear yours. At Burke, we bring students and families of different backgrounds together, so you can learn from each other.

You’re an informed adolescent. So we treat you like one. We want to hear about your challenges as much as your triumphs. And we want you to feel safe expressing your perspective. You and your peers will reach a social and emotional maturity well beyond your years.

Social Justice

Equip yourself with the awareness to identify injustice and the courage to combat it. Burke’s curriculum weaves social justice into every discipline, providing a comprehensive look at why communities have been marginalized and the actions students can take to advocate for them.

Learn More

students at pride march

Learning and Leading Through Service

Our commitment to the community extends beyond service requirements. Our curriculum links academic studies with a service component so students both experience and understand new perspectives. At Burke, you’ll find yourself taking the initiative and collaborating with your peers to make positive change.

Learn More

students volunteering

“We encourage students to make meaningful connections between the classroom and the world in order to broaden their perspective beyond Burke.”

Christiane, Director of Service and Civic Engagement

students talking

Part of Our Core

Burke believes social justice and civic engagement are so important to developing better humans that we weave these concepts into every discipline.

teacher helping students

At the Margins

Eighth graders make books to give to local kindergarten classes as the culmination of the grade eight “Living at the Margin” project, which includes reading novels about young people struggling with security, identity, and dignity.

student with goat

What’s Your Passion Project?

Throughout their Burke career, students complete passion projects in which they choose an activity, issue, occupation, or research topic and absorb all they can about it through research, practical experience, interviews, and field work.

students building a bed

Refugee Project

Eighth graders led a schoolwide initiative to fully furnish an apartment for a refugee family from Afghanistan. They held fundraisers, organized communication, and physically prepared the apartment for their arrival.

teacher and student working together

Silver Tech Project

Every month, our high school students meet with neighborhood seniors in our computer lab and answer their technology questions.