You Are: Inspired

To reach for more; to follow your own ambitions; to identify and correct injustice; to change the world.

To be your best you.

student in edmund burke shirt
Burke student smiling
At Burke, you’ll be prepared to achieve academically. But also to become a successful and influential person. To turn your dreams into reality. To give back. To see yourself flourish in whatever career you choose.

Different colleges attended by Burke's 50 2018 graduates

Colleges and universities visiting Burke every fall

Percent of seniors admitted to college

student graduates

Freedom With Responsibility

As you get older, you’ll have more free periods throughout your day where you can collaborate with your peers; grab lunch down the street with your friends; or discuss the issues of the day with teachers.

All preparing you to thrive in the independence of the college environment.

College Matriculation

Burke prepares students to succeed at colleges that are as different and varied as the graduates attending them. The wide mix of colleges and academic majors represented among our alumni is a testament to Burke’s ability to know students, their interests, and their strengths.

College Matriculation List

graduation caps

College Counseling

At Burke, we officially begin college counseling in grade 11 when students are self-aware enough to make well-informed decisions about their future. Additionally, the College Counseling Office provides programming for ninth- and 10th-grade families to address any questions they have regarding the process.

student being counseled

“I still find myself referencing topics I learned as a student at Burke. When you are still able to recall with clarity key lessons learned, I think that’s a testament to the quality of education received.”

David, Burke Alumnus

mother with students

Touching Lives

Kim Worthy ’92 makes a difference in the lives of children in D.C., across the U.S., and around the world. Currently an English and history teacher, Kim centers her instruction around social justice, cultural bias, and inequity. She earned the D.C. Teacher of the Year award in 2009 and is a proud Burke parent.

student portrait

For the Love of Numbers

David Marx ’03 earned his master’s degree in mathematics and statistics from Georgetown University and currently works as a data scientist for Amazon. David’s work helps Amazon fight fraud and spot new trends in the market.


Accomplished Artist

Illustrator and designer Noah MacMillan ’07 was commissioned by the City Museum of St. Louis to paint a mural for its art gallery. Noah has also completed graphic work for Chipotle, Pepsi, Major League Soccer, The Washington Post, and more.

smiling student

Ivy League Success

Shown here with Burke’s chemistry teacher, Ashley Donovan ’02 graduated from Bryn Mawr College before earning her Ph.D. at Princeton in the chemistry field of quantum control. Ashley then became the senior education program manager at the American Chemical Society.