Web Development with HTML and CSS

Getting Started - Mastery Learning

Mastery learning begins with learning goals that include both content and skills. Through various activities students learn new content, grow their skills, and provide evidence of their learning. Content and skills are considered mastered when they are both enduring and transferable.

Achieving Mastery

Instead of a grade, you will earn "Pass" or "Fail" in this course. Credit will be given to students who achieve the required proficiency level in the essential knowledge specified for this course.

Student mastery will be assessed in various ways, including but not limited to, activity and project completion, student Log of Mastery Learning reflections, and ability to effectively articulate learning achievement during one-on-one discusssions and Q&A.

Self-Paced Learning

Ample time will be provided to complete all learning of the essential knowledge and skill of the course. Students who meet these course requirements early, or complete any activity or project early, are expected to use remaining class time to further their proficiency of computer science knowledge and skills.

Proficiency Levels