Web Development with HTML and CSS

The Web Address

In the web address of this webpage, what does www.burkecs.org represent?
The domain name pointing to a location on a web server
A file on the web server
A folder on the web server
In the web address of this webpage, what does courses represent?
The domain name pointing to a location on a web server
A file on the web server
A folder on the web server
In the web address of this webpage, what does 001.html represent?
The domain name pointing to a location on a web server
A file on the web server
A folder on the web server
A 403 error is an indicator of what issue?
Wrong Authentication
Requires some Payments to be done
Authentication required, no public access
Web page does not exist/Required content not found
Method of sending data is not allowed
A 404 error is an indicator of what issue?
Wrong Authentication
Requires some Payments to be done
Authentication required, no public access
Web page does not exist/Required content not found
Method of sending data is not allowed
Which of the following filenames could not be omitted from the web address of that file.

This comic strip was generated at http://www.MakeBeliefsComix.com. Used by permission of author and site creator Bill Zimmerman.

Exploring a web address

Start at www.google.com/doodles/slalom-canoe-2012 and manipulate the URL to find a page with all Google Doodles

- Diagram - alicechristie.org

- Blog - The MOZ Blog
12 Rules for Choosing the Right Domain Name

- Podcast - NPR: All Things Considered